Dear Mister Mike Resnick----         

Greetings from the future!?”

You may be appalled to learn that I am writing to you through judicious use of the MicroMac, a privilege rarely granted and more rarely accepted in my universe, and that we will be good friends soon*&!

My name is Torthan Volbiss, and as part of my Natural History science project I have elected to do research into the lives of great canine breeders of the nineteenth century. I have selected you for my project!*&!

I am hoping we can communicate via satelnet <trans: Internet transmission> regarding this project, as I am pressed for sunturns <trans: time> and must get this in quickly or my lectern will be degrading me.

Please advise as soon as possible:

1. How many canines have you bred in your past centurns <trans: centuries>?%$

2. Of the ones you have bred, which is your best-beloved canine <trans: favorite dog>@#?

3. Have you obtained superiority propagation certificates <trans: best-of-breed> from extra-Sol <trans: any other galaxies> and if so, which planet did you like best?)(

4. If not, why not?!*

5. Are you accepting applications for lecterns?.#


Torthan Volbiss


1624.17 ABR, Walpurgis III

Dear Mr. Resnick:

Thank you for correcting my punctuation? I did not realize only one character was needed at the end of each sentence@ I will enterprise with more awareness in future# [That is a joke, future, do you acquire it”]

Not being a transtemporality <trans: time travel> major, I cannot explain how the transmissions are affected. I only know that Woz Volbiss III, my great3-paternost <trans: male ancestor> invented a new way to take advantage of the SLF <trans: speed of light factor>, and somehow we are able to scratch heads <trans: communicate>  this way*

Not many students are afforded the ability to use the MicroMac, and I must be brief or it will fire electrical charges into my system <trans: shock me>+

I did not realize you are in the twenty-first century*  My how instants wing <trans: time flies> is I believe the correct term from your era:

Yes, the word I meant was INTERN*  Of course I could not fulfill the mission <trans: job> in soft tissue <trans: in the flesh>, but I could certainly handle your datamail <trans: correspondence> from here$ To be less-than-sharply-honed <trans: blunt> it would also gain me extra scores, and as the Unicollege program is very competitive this would be of great aid to myself and my domestic unit <trans: family>.

If you have only sixty years how have you managed to attain your Q-factorization <trans: pre-eminence> in the field % Also are you speaking from the side of your mouth <trans: lying> when you say travel to other planets is not possible for the ordinary man=

Surely you are anything but ordinary, you are a breeder of some repute even in your era&

Thank you for your attenuation.


Torthan Volbiss


1624.22 ABR, Herovit’s World

Dear Mike,

Thank you for tolerating my use of your first name! Also thank you for the language lesson, I will confine myself to ! ? and . .

Are you always so polite to your data-friends. I am impressed that you have answered all sixteen of my packets within one sunturn <trans: day>? You must have a great deal of time on your maniples <trans: hands>, my elucidator says you will be a wonderful mentor for this study. I agree, I can feel it in my skeletal structure <trans: bones>? It is very kind of you to answer my questions?

I am sorry to hear you are no longer breeding canines, although I agree that the invention of dentistry has probably made this unnecessary. My misunderstanding due to lingual problems, I am sure. Sometimes the convertor <trans: translator does not decode to perfection.

I am sorry I do not share your tongue, but the MicroMac will have to do as yours is a dead tongue. Perhaps eventually we can share tongues and become closer.

What is your habitat <trans: home> like, do you have wives! If so, where are they kept when their mouthpieces <trans: motors/alt trans: lawyers> are turned off. Do you regularly apneate <trans: sleep soundly> in a cama <trans: bed> or a Landsend <trans: hammock>!

I must penitate <trans: confess> that this project did not seem like much fun when it was assigned to me, but I am beginning to enjoy it.

Your new friend,


Torthan V.

*        *        *

1624.29 ABR, Darkover

Hi! Mike! How! are! you!

This was a joke as I have been wrestling your era. You said to use only one punctuate! . or ? This was only one for each word.

Are you laughing now. I am?

It is hard to translate humor, for instance I did not understand that your earlier reference to canines and dentistry was a joke. I will endeavor to be more attentive in future/past/present.

It is also difficult for me to understand what you mean by many of your references, since I do not have the scaffolding <trans: framework to compare. Perhaps you could hurl at me <trans: throw, send> a story to scan <trans: read>! I promise to regard it with open eyes <trans: an open mind>?

I am sorry for rushing but I am overdue at ergball <trans: no possible translation> and must soar <trans: fly>.


Torthan V.


1624.39 ABR, Rama III

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your many answers, and the lesson on punctuation. I have reported your educational efforts to my elucidator, who has invited you to give a sermon <trans: lecture> here when science permits. This is a very great honor, I am pleased to present it to you!

I did not realize a sentient of your standing was permitted only one wife. Is this by custom or by chance? Also, what do you do when she is worn out? Are there many replacements available?

I am afraid I have not read any of your fiction, it is not encouraged in my family as we are reproduced for science. I am familiar with a writer of your era called Connie Willis, however, as we have elucidated <trans: studied> her works in our econosociobiology class. They are not fiction, is that correct!

ABR is standing in for <trans: short for> After Bush Resigning or After Bioengineering Replacement or something of the sort. I am not an ancient history major and do not know the answers to many of your questions, including also whether your fiction has survived and where the last Worldcon was. I do remember from early studying that the concept of World was outlawed after the inhabitation <trans: colonization> of Hominid II and its subsequent stubborn insistence on taking over its galaxy.


Torthan V.


1624.41 ABR, Trantor

Dear Mike,

I am sorry I cannot check the bookstores as we do not have any. Or libraries.

Perhaps I am vocalizing inadequately. Information is transferred directly from RNA before birth. Those who are unable to retain information are culled. That is why the MicroMac is so important! Much information was lost in the aevum <trans: aeons> since your time, and you are helping to replace it in me! Because of you I am confident that my progeny will not be culled!

I anxiously await one of your chronicles, as I am also going through pubertization and hoping there will be some “pointers” in it because you seem to be very wise. Particularly in your commentary about wives and their replacements.

I anxiously await your box <trans: packago.


Torthan V.


1624.48 ABR, Pern

Dear Mike,

I am having great enjoyment in slinging your story words at my allies <trans: using your slang with my friends>. I’ll be damned! that is correct yes?

Thank you for sending a most interesting chronicle, however you of all must know there are no elephants on Neptune. They were evacuated many universes ago.

I have gained credit nonetheless, as my former science elucidator was quite surprised that you are only a canine breeder who is a writer on the fringe <trans: on the side>, yet you know things from studies he thought were done many-mega later. He asks how did you realize the psychic bond elephants have, are there elephant genetics in your background?

Are you by chance the pen-alias of Dr. Asimov, and involved in this research?

Also thank you for sending me the list of “awards” you have received, though I was not familiar with the word. In researching your communications stream I see it means you were given a pat on the head <trans: award> for excellence. We do not have “awards” for excellence as it is assumed if you are not culled you will be excellent.

I am thinking of changing my majority field <trans: field of study> to one which will help me understand you better. There is an ancient history course available on Asimov V which refers to the little-known genus called “science fiction,” the fiction of science. Since you are as you say a “science fiction writer,” this will enable us to tongue more efficiently. And as it will also work with my science course, I am moving there in 3 parsecs and will not be available for the duration. I would appreciate any chronicles you could send in the interim turns.

Yours in excitement,




1625.12 ABR, Asimov V

Dear Mike,

My new elucidator <trans: teacher> of science fiction was quite engulfed that I am in correspondence with you! She says my enthusiasm rating is high enough to qualify for a complete major change! This would enable me to enter the higher academicia and perhaps even graduate at some point in future! Please send more “stories,” The Return of Santiago was very interesting even though there are no known planets of any description you use.

I am thinking of naming my initial progeny Peacemaker Angel One-Note MacDougal Volbiss in your honor. In fact, I am thinking of changing my majority report completely because of the effect you have had on me.

I am wondering if you have an opinion, should I become a breeder of canines or a science fiction writer? Both fields are, as you would say, broadly ajar <trans: wide open> here.

Please answer soon as I will get extra credit for your haste.




1625.13 ABR, Asimov V

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your answer. It does seem that since canines are only permitted on Stapledon I, II, and III, and they appear to breed themselves adequately without anyone’s help, the profession of science fiction writer would be best.

There are no other science fiction writers on the known planets, although this does not infer that they do not exist in other dimensions. I would be the first here, which will also give me much esteem and will once and for always restore my family name.

I have been reading the advice you sent me in I’ve Got This Nifty Idea and have what I believe to be a Nifty Idea. When I am finished may I submit it to you?



1625.18 ABR, Asimov V

Dear Mr. Resnick,

In the mannerism of formal speaking as you suggest when a new author (myself, Torthan Volbiss!) is making submissions, below you will find my “story” How the Slime Gods Conquered Terra!” I am very excited because I have (I believe for the first time in science fiction history!) managed to combine true science and true storytelling!

In keeping with the sample submission you sent, my submission is not simultaneous with anyone in this system. The story length is only 34,295 words. I believe the pace fits with your current system of ideology. Should you decide to publish it, I will be glad to give you the publishing rights, as your mode of monetary exchange is not useful to me here.

My elucidator and I eagerly await your acceptance.


Torthan Volbiss


1625.22 ABR, Asimov IV

Dear Mike,

As you can see I have been demoted an entire planet because of your criticisms! I did not know the science fiction world could be so harsh! You are not equipped to judge my story on a scientific basis, because you have obviously not read Benford II’s History of the Terran Interdiction, or Baxter IV’s Once Slimed, Always Slimed. If you had, you would realize that I have been accurate to the n’teenth degree! Terra I has been under interdiction for cents! <trans: centuries!> and is considered uninhabitable by all civilized systems!

I realize now that all your questions about your physique <trans: stature> in the “science fiction” field today were only a pathetic attempt to insert yourself and your arrogant galaxy-view into this timeframe <trans: era>! To what end! Perhaps you had visions of starring in holovision commercials! It will never happen, you are not educated enough to wipe the footgear of our bots!

If you do not know your own history I cannot explain it to you!

You have used me shamefully and I will explain all of this to the board of reparations before they cull me!

Sincerely (still!),

Torthan Volbiss


1625.48 ABR, Asimov III

Dear Mike,

I am in very big trouble because of your continued refusal to make a promotion of my story. As you can see, I have been further demoted because of your insistence that my writing “does not exhibit a deep understanding of human culture.” Now there is talk of demoting me to feline studies. It is impossible, everyone knows felines do not bond in family groups as do canines and sapients. You of all esteemed personages should know this.

I am sorry to tell you that I have filed a brief with the board of castigation which lays the blame for my present position entirely at your lower appendages <trans: feet>.

Your ignorance of Elkhorn’s thesis on the demise of Terra I shows a lack of study habits that was probably inherited from your ancestors. There is no doubt that alligators throve <trans: thrived> in the sewers of New York City on Terra I! Or that they mutated into gigantic cold-blooded creatures that infected everything they touched with revolting diseases, the smallest of which was the flaking off of giant patches of derma and their replacement with hardened scales! Or the havoc that was created when the infected race molted while attempting procreation! Or that the giant alligators are still in complete habitation of Terra I, and are disgusting reptilian creatures with no sense of civilized behavior!

(Forgive me if I thumb my nasal passages at your ancestors with this intolerant remark, but we have not shared genus and I do not know your chromatic history.)

This is all well-known to any civilized culture!

If you cannot publish the story yourself, at least you could submit it to Analog the Magazine of Science Fiction and Fact! Once it is accepted, I can return to Asimov V and continue my studies!

I am disappointed in you, Mike. I thought we were allies.


Torthan V.


1625.5 ABR, Ender I

Dear Mike,

I have decided to terminate interaction for the meantime while I prepare for my judgment <trans: trial>.

I am still hoping you will publish my story in any anthology, or will at least present a datamail I may take to the board which will admit your complete responsibility for this situation. The lack of adequate training I received from you is obviously largely to blame in this humiliation. Although such remedies are rarely considered, my castigants <trans: lawyers, judges, fellow prisoners> believe it might be of some help.

Please provide me with a clear, concise description of why you cannot present my chronicle, also explain how you could have prepared me better, and save me!

Mike, I come to you on curled <trans: bended> knee with this request.

Your old friend,




1625.96 ABR, Penitence II

Dear Mike,

Well, thanks for nothing as you would say, though

why anyone would thank another sentient for the absence of anything is nontranslatable to me.

I have not been harvested, obviously, since the reviewers determined that I had been led astray by your false promises. It did not hurt that, being totally unfamiliar with your own history, and unwilling to believe a truthful account of that history, you were judged mentally unfit.

Do not ever think of visiting me, as you will be culled the moment you set chroma on any civilized planet. It is in the records now!

Instead, I am sent to Penitence II, which is one pace <trans: step> up from Penitence I. It is hoped that after many years of study, I may redeem myself enough to return to my Natural History classes, although gratitudes to you, propogation will be out of the question.

Further use of the MicroMac is, of course, not part of the inquiry <trans: out of the question> any longer. Unfortunately, this means I will not get to read your later work, which I hope is not devastating to your pride.

Of course, I assume that anyone who treats a fellow sapient in the manner you have treated me will embezzle my ideas for his own use, but there is nothing I can do about it from here.

Please do not attempt to contact me as we have nothing to speak about.

Torthan Volbiss


1628.93 ABR, Penitence IV

Dear Mike,

I am permitted to hurl this final datamail in order to complete my penitence.

As a portion of my reeducation, I am ordered to forge amendments <trans: make amends> with those I have behaved uncharitably toward. Unfortunately, since the lectern here has access to all of my datamail records, this includes you. I am therefore remorsing <trans: apologizing> with willing chambers <trans: heart> to the best of my ability.

I apologize for my remarks about your reptilian ancestry. It was uncalled for, and prejudicial toward the inhabitants of Campbell II.

I am also apologetic for any reference I may have made to the apneate habits of your wive(s). I did not realize that in your backward culture, discussing another being’s bedroom habits might give offense.

I am sorry for stating that you could never star in a holivision commercial. It may be that someday they will be looking for a being of your genotype, whose RNA is not culturally recommended but who is capable of destroying entire lives with his shoddy, unwarranted criticisms. If that is the case, it will certainly star you.

Finally, I am apologetic for thumbing my nasal passages at you. I should have merely expelled my nose in your direction and hoped for the best.

As a last comment, in response to the datamail you kindly provided the court, which stated that I was “about as aware of human emotions as a bullfrog,” and accusing me of “a complete inability to understand human nature, human behavior, or human passion”— Mike, what in galaxies made you think I was human?


Torthan Volbiss


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I, Alien
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_000.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_001.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_002.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_003.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_004.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_005.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_006.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_007.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_008.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_009.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_010.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_011.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_012.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_013.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_014.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_015.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_016.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_017.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_018.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_019.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_020.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_021.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_022.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_023.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_024.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_025.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_026.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_027.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_028.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_029.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_030.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_031.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_032.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_033.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_034.htm
Mike Resnick (Ed) - I, Alien [Anthology]_split_035.htm